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Our work in the municipal council

Info 24-4 (December 2024)

Dear residents

Before the holidays, we wanted to inform you once again about our work in the municipal council and wish you a very happy holiday and all the best for 2025.

Did you know that the sessions of the municipal council are public, and that you can come and listen?

Since our last newsletter, we have had 3 sessions and we wanted to keep you updated on the most important things:

  • Exploding cost of projects: in the session on 22.11. we had to approve more than 15 million additional quotes for various construction projects. We did not take it easy and we were thoroughly briefed by the responsible technical service about the reasons for these increases. Construction index, shortage of supply, various emergencies caused by crises have driven up costs and led to increases of up to 50%. We asked the college of mayor and aldermen what this would mean for the future financial situation of the commune. We will ensure that in the future, more foresight is ensured in future projects.
  • Internal regulations / internal rules of procedure within the municipal council : our proposal that each party can publish its arguments on the votes during council meetings in the community bulletin “Gemengebuet” was not taken into account in the internal regulations. We believe that the bulletin must inform about the political work of the elected representatives. We would have liked more political courage.
  • Municipal forests: the municipality also has the responsibility to ensure that the paths in the forest, but also in the Brill, are kept in order! Blocking a path with a piece of tape cannot be the solution.
  • SecondHandCorner: we are pleased that, following our initiative, the SHC is operating every 2 weeks again. We are committed to further developing and improving this project.

Dear residents, let’s commit ourselves together in the new year, despite all the current crises, for a greener future. Even at the local level, we can achieve a lot if we work together in the coming year 2025 to keep our environment livable.

Info 24-3 (September 2024)

Dear residents

We would like to thank you very much for supporting ‘déi gréng‘ again in the European elections. With this you have significantly contributed to the fact that Tilly Metz can continue her mandate.

Did you know that the sessions of the municipal council are public, and that you can come and listen?

  • The selection of teachers in cycle 4.2– the mayor assured us that no recommendation had been submitted by the school. According to this information, we voted for the candidate proposed by him. However, there was a notice (with another proposed candidate) which, for reasons unknown to us, was ignored. We offically asked the mayor for further information and we wonder why this point was not once again taken to the meetings agenda . Only when all the information is there, the council can make the right decisions. Democracy obliges.
  • Secondhand-Corner – we had offered ourselves in the council to take over the SHC as ‘déi gréng Betzder‘. However the council decided to advertise this project publicly. We think it is important to prevent waste and to reuse items as far as possible, that is why we made our request.
  • Human resources – we regret the departure of people from the communal administration who worked there efficiently and since a long time. We think it is important that everything is done to keep experienced people in the service of the commune.
  • Children’s council – basically, we welcome the idea of ​​a children’s council! However, we voted against the proposed project, because we are of the opinion that the main goal – more children’s right to speak in school – will not be achieved in the planned form.
  • Communal finances – Every project has become much more expensive than we had voted for and we demand a more transparent and careful financial management, that is why we have voted against the increase of the budget for the presbytery from 2 million to 2.6 million .
  • Roundabout Mensdorf – We asked why the roundabout at the entrance to Roodt/Syre was not planted more nature-friendly. An opportunity to bring more biodiversity to our villages has been missed here. The mayor agreed, but stated that this was within the competence of P&Ch administration…

Info 24-2 (May 2024)

Dear residents

We have been represented in the municipal council with three mandates for 1 year. With the 2nd flyer for this year, we want to keep you informed about our work in the municipal council. We do this with the INFO sheet and on our WEB page.

In the last 3 meetings, on January 26, March 8 and April 19, we expressed our opinion on the following points:

  • Budget / debts – just like the council, we are aware of the bad news of the municipal finances and it is now clear that a more careful financial policy would have been important.
  • SecondHandCorner – we regret that the SHC will no longer take place and we already proposed in March to continue the SHC as “déi gréng Betzder”. Unfortunately, we have not yet received any approval from the municipality.
  • Due to the misuse of the green waste containers, it is shown that we unfortunately have to go down the path of stricter control. We have already raised this question several times in the municipal council and we are happy that the council wants to go down that road as well.
  • Vandalism on the school campus – we regret that the contract with the security company, which used to provide security on the school campus, was no longer extended. We welcome the fact that a larger discussion should take place in the municipal council.
  • New logo/corporate identity – we think clear communication from a municipality is important and that’s why we agreed to the municipality’s proposal. We are happy that the unfortunate term of “Syrdall Metropole” was unanimously abolished at our suggestion and replaced by “Syrdall Municipality”. We are also represented in the working group “Internet page” for better Internet communication.
  • Menster Brill – we are concerned about the condition of the footpath around Brill. We are committed to making sure you can walk there again.
  • Dry wall in Betzder – we regret that part of the unique dry wall was destroyed. We welcome that the mayor intervened in the administration, and the destruction of this biotope was stopped.
  • Recycling center Muertendall – we regret the long waiting times and we ask that SIGRE takes its responsibilities and opens the center every Saturday.
  • Betzbus – we would like to see that finally, together with the citizens, a proper concept should be drawn up for a more targeted use of this service.
  • Windmills – We support the municipality’s project to erect 4 windmills on the municipality’s area. We ensure that this project is carried out in full transparency with the citizen.

Info 24-1

We participated in the two meetings of the Municipal Council on November 17 and December 15, 2023.
Our remarks made during these meetings:

  • We regret that the municipality did not win the call for tenders for the supply of electricity from an agricultural photovoltaic installation project. The project, due to lack of subsidies, will not be carried out for the moment. Our objective of energy autonomy will therefore not be achieved. We urged the Board to move the project forward.
  • We also unanimously supported the decision in principle of the municipal council to implement a “wind energy” development project.
  • New “Cité Schleedewues” district in Berg: we asked for details regarding the rights, obligations and concerning the conditions of allocation of the future subsidized housings. We are impatiently waiting to have our answers at the next municipal council.
  • Following our request, we received confirmation that the Roodt forest cemetery is not excluded from the hunting zone and that it is managed like any other forest plot. Forest cemeteries should be developed with greater respect for the sensitivities of families and loved ones of the deceased.
  • Internal regulations within the municipal council (“Internal Order Regulations”). We put this additional item on the agenda. We are of the opinion that the functioning of the municipal council should be governed by “Internal Order Regulations”. (Communication of decisions, right of initiative of municipal councilors, right of reply, etc.) We submitted a first proposal to the Alderman’s Council.
  • We regret the cancellation of the Repair Café and the resulting confusion. We insisted on the importance of such an initiative.

We also asked the board the following questions:

  • Fireworks for New Year’s Eve: we have asked that the ban on fireworks for New Year’s Eve not be lifted, due to the known inconveniences resulting from firing fireworks. The mayor admitted being aware of the problem, but despite this, he lifted the ban for 10 minutes on 1.of January 2024, while inviting citizens to refrain from shooting and relying on the common sense of the residents. We have recommended a public consultation for the years to come.
  • Green Event “Krëschtmart”: Our criticism aimed at the use of a (defective) diesel generator as a source of electricity during the Krëschtmart, Yet a “green event”! The mayor assured us that the necessary work would be carried out to avoid these inconveniences for future events.
  • The Roodt Youth-Center: we insisted on increasing the number of staff at the youth center and that the budget of the non-profit organization was not burdened by cleaning costs, as for any other association.
  • Agriculture: in the new nature protection law, each operator must respect a distance of 3 m from watercourses and streams! We proposed to the municipality to proactively help farmers to comply with this law if necessary. For us, this is an important measure to preserve wild biodiversity.
  • W&P housing estate in Berg: we wanted to know if there were any problems with the water pipes and sewer connections in the W&P housing estate in Berg. If this were the case, we fear that costs of up to €20,000 could be borne by the owners.
  • We insisted on the need to simplify and accelerate the reservation procedures for municipal premises and to develop an online procedure.


Info 23

We have had 2 meetings so far, on the 22nd of September and the 6th of October. We expressed our opinion on the following items on the agenda:

  • Creation of municipal consultative commissions.
    • Elections of the president of the commission: on our initiative, no more the council determines the president of the commissions, but the commissions on their own.
    • We spoke out against the idea of ​​integrating the finance commission into the urbanism commission. We think these are 2 different skills that should be acquired by the respective experts. Unfortunately, that proposal was not accepted.
    • We were also against sports, culture and tourism being covered by a single commission. We need a maximum number of interested people in every single area. Our proposal to make separate commissions has not been accepted!
  • Nomination of delegates from commune unions (SIDERE, SIGRE, SIAEG, SIDEST, …)
    • We submitted our candidacy for every syndicate, but unfortunately the political game made it so that we could hardly cooperate in any of them. The majority elected their people.
  • Creation of a “Corporate Identity”
    • We gave this point a positive vote. We think coherent communication is important, but we have set as a condition that the title “Syrdall-Metropol”, which the municipality has recently given itself, is seriously discussed.
  • Creation of a municipal agent
    • We have given our agreement on this point, we think that this can contribute to security and better coexistence.
  • List of events served by the “Event-Bus”
    • Together we have drawn up the list of the events that will be served by the event bus in the future.
  • We have given our agreement on a number of points. These were agreements with associations, contracts to buy land, and the energy allowance for the year 2024 which supports citizens who need it.

In the municipal council, we also asked questions to the council:

  • The Maison des Jeunes Rued wanted to launch a political awareness campaign before the elections. The event was investigated by the council. We asked for explanations.
  • We asked if it would be possible to set up cameras near the green cut containers, so that no more bulk waste is thrown into the containers. The bulk waste in the green cut drives the cost of disposal extremely high, which all of us citizens have to pay for.
  • We advocated that our representative in the Airport Commission to ensures that the consequences of the new flight routes for our villages seriously analysed.